Saturday, August 7, 2010

Con Day 1

My first day of the con went well.  I volunteered to with the help desk all weekend.  So far it’s been fun.  Lots of people asked questions about basic con things like schedules, event rooms, tape or cosplay fixers, and the like.  It was pretty uneventful yet lots of fun.  I got to go to a number of panels and events as well which was a blast!!!!! 

The first panel I went to was Cosplay Basics.  That was fun.  I learned about fabrics to use, con boxes, sewing adhesives, casting, what not to use hot glue for, basic prop construction and painting, and lots of other things.  Since there were four to five attendees, I got to ask most if not all of my basic cosplay questions.  I also got to meet some awesome cosplayers and learn some of their cosplaying tricks.

The second panel I went to was Costume Fitting and Movement.  I learned a lot from that panel.  It was lead by two professional costumers.  One had been sewing for over 20 years!!!  In this panel I learned the basics of fitting, different ways to lace garments, how to check for correct ease, the basics of yardage per body type, what to pay attention to when making and wearing costumes/ cosplays, and other tips and tricks.  I even learned how to dance a couple period dances.  It was so much fun!

Lastly, I went to the Sewing for Cosplayers panel.  That was ok, though I don’t remember much of that panel.  It was late; I was tired, and I knew most of the subject matter already. 

After that I went back to the booth and finished my shift.  I left the con early so I could prepare for the next day and work on my cosplay for Sunday.  I also stopped by Wal-mart to pickup the more of my fabric for Sundays cosplay.  In addition, I got some makeup for tomorrows cosplay.  Sadly, I didn’t get to sleep until around 3am because prep took so long. 

The day went great.  I even got to spend it with my best friend!!  I also got to see some old friends and make new acquaintances. 

The entire day I cosplayed Sheeta from Laputa: Castle in the Sky.  I finished this cosplay a couple nights before the convention which was really nice considering I have a lot to do for my Sunday cosplay.

Tomorrow looks promising.  I need to go and get back to my con day 2 prep.  Stay tuned for con updates and photos!

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