It’s only about a week until fair, which means I’ll have to have all my 4-H projects done and ready for exhibit. I’ve spend the past three days trying to recuperate from Fandemonium, which went wonderfully, and haven’t got much done 4-H wise at all. Cons are exhausting!
At this rate I won’t have half of my projects done in time for fair. I really hope this week goes well and is very productive. I really want to get all my projects done since it’s my last year, but I might have to shave more off my list. It makes me both sad and happy this year is almost over. To be honest, I'll be very happy to be rid of the paperwork and project manuals, yet I find myself wondering what I would do without 4-H. I really enjoyed my four years in the program and couldn’t imagine high school and part of junior high without it. It helped me make a lot of friends and grow as a person, friend, and leader. I learned a lot of helpful, useful skills as well. Even though I do have mixed feelings about leaving 4-H and this part of my life, I’m very excited to see where the next chapter of life will take me. Life is an exciting adventure all the time.